What to Say when Petitioning

Collecting Signatures on Designating Petitions for Local Candidates

Get the list of registered voters for the Green Party in your district from the Steuben County Board of Elections and go door-to-door to visit the Green Party registrants. If you have phone numbers, you may want to call in advance to make an appointment before driving a long distance.

Opening Statement

You: “ Hi, I'm collecting signatures to get [name of candidate] on the ballot. Would you be willing to sign our petition?”

Show them the petition on your clipboard.

“ We need ______ signatures of registered voters to get [name of candidate] on the ballot in November.”

If they hesitate, say.

“This will give voters more choices in November. It is not a commitment to vote for [name of candidate]. It just gives voters more choices on the ballot in November.”

Response 1

Them: “ Sure!”

You: Hand them the petition to fill out. Instruct them on how to do it properly. Be sure you know the requirements for filling out the petition. After they sign, ask them if they want a brochure about the candidate.

Response 2

Them: “ What if I have signed another petition?”

You: “ If you have signed a petition for another candidate for the same position, you cannot sign this petition. That only applies if you signed a petition for the same political office. If you haven't signed a petition for this office, you can sign this petition.”

Response 3

Them: “ I’m not registered to vote.”

You: “Here is a voter registration form. If you decide to register in the Green Party, after you turn in the form to the Board of Elections, you can sign our petition. ”

Response 4

Them: “ I don’t live here.”

You: “ Do you live in [describe the area of the district]? To sign this petition you have to be registered to vote in New York State and live in [the district].”

Response 5

Them: “ No. I’m not interested.”

You: Smile and leave.

General Guidelines:

Don’t argue.

Don’t engage in lengthy conversations.

Petitioning is usually a very positive experience.

It is gratifying to find out how many people support having more candidates on the ballot.



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